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Day 21 ~ The Highest Vision : Creative Evolution ~ Getting Unstuck : Creating a Limitless Life

We have nearly completed this 21 Day Meditation Experience together and I hope that you have found a profound evolvement for yourself.

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” ~ Rumi

Message of the Day

Today’s mediation shows us a vision of life beyond the freedom of getting stuck. This is the vision of a life of creative evolution where our spiritual growth is not directed from outside forces, or even our internal beliefs and ideas. When the evolution of our awareness is directed from our higher self, we experience a limitless life, a life filled with joy, love, beauty and peace. This is the life you were always meant to live.

Today’s Centering Thought

I realise every day that my true purpose is to evolve.

Our Sanskrit Mantra

“Eem Hreem Shreem” ~ My being radiates wisdom, truth and abundance

Here is the link to our daily meditation:

Reflection Journal

  1. Creative evolution begins with an expanded attitude towards yourself. Write down the two or three highest reasons you personally have for inner growth: nurturing yourself, finding more fulfilment, and getting more out of life.

  2. With this expanded attitude in mind, write down two ways you can expand your self-awareness today. For instance, you could journal about your highest vision of yourself, tell a confidante about your secret dreams, or read inspiring poetry or scriptures.

  3. To achieve creative evolution, which is the highest vision, we must take on an open attitude towards the unknown. Write down two ways you envision tomorrow being better than today, using any measure you choose – physical, mental, psychological or spiritual. Take a moment to visualise this new day as it blossoms in your imagination. Make it as real as you can, then let go and open your heart to the unknown as a field of possibilities.


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