Could your workplace benefit from yoga?
A lot of my work has been to bring yoga into schools and to yoga studios as people madly rush onto their mats after work, but another place in need of deep breaths, relaxation and reinvigoration is the office!
What if there was a way to let go of a shoulder-slumping amount of office stress even before you leave at the end of the day? What if you could revitalize mid-afternoon without another shot of espresso or a candy bar? Working in an office often means being on someone else’s schedule, dealing with all sorts of personalities, having stress on daily repeat, lots of sitting and computer work (believe me, I’ve been there). Even if you love your job it can be a lot. Did you know most sick days are caused by stress?

Have you heard about the growing corporate yoga trend? In countries like the US and Canada corporate yoga is a staple in many workplaces, and Australia isn’t far behind, with more and more organisations becoming aware of the numerous benefits that corporate yoga can offer.
Corporate yoga consists of classes usually timed before work, at lunchtime or after work – or for special events like conferences usually within the workplace (meaning oodles of time saved from heading to your closest yoga studio!). Class’s range anywhere from 45mins minutes to 90mins, and can be completely customised to your workers and their needs.
No matter what the focus they usually have a few common threads:
They focus on deep breathing - fantastic for busting stress levels, improving concentration and enhancing energy levels
They help to relieve tension common to the job – whether that’s from sitting at a desk all day, in a car or using a repetitive motion again and again
They provide employees with much needed physical activity and stretching – suitable for every body type and ability level
As the way we work continues to change with roles becoming more and more sedentary, hours becoming longer and technology rendering employees constantly contactable, leading organisations are getting on board with the workplace yoga trend. Organisations such as Quest Apartments, Little Real Estate & Zinc Marketing are already seeing the amazing benefits for employees.

Many executives, human resources & social clubs are beginning to realise that health and wellness need to be a priority in order to support their staff and organisational productivity. With absenteeism linked to stress riding steadily yoga is the perfect holistic wellness tool to bring into your workplace health policy.
Put simply, workplace yoga cannot only make your employees healthier and happier, but it can increase employee retention, decrease sick leave, increase productivity and ultimately have a positive impact on your bottom line.
To find out more information about the corporate services that Ananda Yoga Hub offer please send us an email, so we can tailor your needs.
Love & Light : Amanda