Day 14 ~ Finding Your Creative Path ~ Getting Unstuck : Creating a Limitless Life
We are coming to the end of week two where we began to expand our awareness. As meditation expands your awareness the wider your possibilities become. Another element needed to activate any of these possibilities is intention. Intention gives awareness direction. The deeper your awareness the closer your intentions are to fulfilment and the power to create your life from the inside out. The force of getting unstuck is the power of intention.

“All great acts are ruled by intention. What you mean is what you get.” ~ Brenna Yovanoff
Message of the Day
Our creative path isn’t something we need to figure out intellectually, it is the spontaneous expression of our innermost desires and intention. That is the wise and creative energy already operating at the heart of our awareness. In today’s meditation, we learn that this power of intention already directs our life’s journey behind the scenes. When we expand awareness in meditation, we fully align our intentions for our individual mind with the unlimited power and creativity of the universal mind. This is how we find our creative path.
Today’s Centering Thought
Everyday unfolds the next step in my journey.
Our Sanskrit Mantra
“Sharavana Bhava” ~ My awareness is aligned with the creative power if the universe.
Here is the link to our daily meditation:
Reflection Journal
Think back on a time when you noticed something new in an old and familiar situation or relationship. Write down what you noticed and your response to this new insight. Eg. “I noticed that my co-worker acts friendly but always manages to make sure she’s right, which surprises me” or “I noticed that my father in law acts gruff and dismissive, but I now see he’s also careful to be fair, which was endearing”, This is an example of your growing skill of awareness.
Practice using the power of intention. List 2-3 desires you’d like to see true today, and then visualize these things happening. It helps to start modestly, such as wanting someone else to be nicer, or to see your children volunteer to help out without being asked. Take no steps to make this desire come true. Simply sit back and pay attention to what happens.
Taking the same big desire, plus your 2 lists, write down ways you can move your attitude more in the direction of the positive things you listed. Eg. You could consult with your boss about when your workload will be lightest, finding the best time for the trip you’d like to take. This is the best way to clarify an intention so that you don’t get confusing and mixed results. Know what you want and why you want it. Minimise what you fear and doubt, honestly facing where the negativity is coming from. Consider looking at both lists throughout the week and journaling about any changes that occur in reaching your desired fulfilment.
NOTE: Intention gives us the blueprints to being unstuck.