Day 2 ~ Why do we get stuck? ~ 21 Days of Getting Unstuck : Creating a Limitless Life
It’s Day 2 of the 21 Day Meditation Experience, Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life. Before we jump into today’s meditation let’s discuss Mantras. Why these Sanskrit words during our meditations?
These Sanskrit syllables are carefully chosen to work with and empower the teachings of the day. As you silently repeat the mantra during meditation, a few things will happen:
You quiet your mind ~ Repetition of the mantra helps you move beyond your thoughts and access the stillness within.
You experience deeper awareness ~ The mental vibration created by the mantra allows your mind to access pure awareness.
You discover your true nature ~ With daily use during meditation, the mantra helps your body, mind and spirit relax into their true essence ~ pure potentiality and happiness.
Mantras are powerful tools to support your meditation practice and help you connect with the light of your true self.

Today we continue to focus on the present and awareness. If you allow yourself to connect with the creative energy within you in the present moment, life opens up wider and deeper to get you unstuck.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, let the mind remain in the present moment” ~ Buddha
Message of the Day
Today’s meditation shows us that the root of getting stuck is awareness leaving the present moment and attaching to the past or the future. But present awareness is never stuck or limited ~ it flows effortlessly in “the now”. In order to release the blockages and frustration that occurs when our attention attaches to the past or future, we must learn to recognise the presence of our true self in each present moment.
Today’s Centering Thought
I am never stuck when I live in the present
Our Sanskrit Mantra
“Om Hreem Namah” ~ Life is one unified wholeness
Here is the link to our daily meditation:
Journal Questions
List the 3 most distracting things in your daily life that keep you from living in the present moment, such as too much stress, too many demands on your time, or a habit of worrying.
For each of these distractions, write down one thing you can do today to improve the situation, even in small way.
Being calm and centered is part of living in the present. Describe a specific way you find this feeling today, and preferably every day, such as taking 10mins at lunch to sit in the sunshine by yourself, eyes closed, breathing deeply.
NOTE: on the way to getting unstuck, look more closely at what gets you stuck. Old choices and wounds create pain. Old habits make life dull. When your attention is distracted by the old, new ideas cannot emerge. Being calm and centered, will help you connect to the present moment, which comes through meditation. Notice when you repeat yourself, it’s your ‘stuckness’ speaking. When out of this state, you feel fresh and renewed. You will be unstuck when you know every day that you are becoming the person you want to be and are doing what you want to do.
Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
With Grace, Amanda