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Day 8 ~ Let your Awareness do all the Work ~ Getting Unstuck : Creating a Limitless Life

Congratulations on completing the first week of the 21 Day Meditation Experience, Getting Unstuck: Creating a Limitless Life! This second week is about expanding our participation in being alive by expanding our daily awareness of our own existence. The expansion of awareness holds the key to living from the creative source. Instead of struggling to change your life, you allow a growing awareness to create the change you want to see.

Today we bring awareness to the mind body connection. In any area of life when you have to struggle is a sign of stuckness and your body reacts with symptoms such as nausea, tight stomach, cold and flu. Working from the physical level, if you free your body from stress and strain you will relax and open in turn free your emotions and settle your psychology into a calmer and more stable place.

“Because everything happens in the moment of Now we also happen in the moment of Now: continually, effortlessly, truly.”~ Joseph Rain

Message of the Day

Society teaches us that we need to struggle and strive to overcome obstacles, that to get unstuck we need to push and fight our way through. But struggling never solves the root problem of limited awareness.

In today’s meditation, we learn that our higher self is not only unlimited, it is also creative, powerful and intelligent. If we learn to abide in our essential being, its organising power will effortlessly find choices and solutions for us.

Today’s Centering Thought

I am aware of being cared for and supported.

Our Sanskrit Mantra

“Om Kamakshi Namah” ~ My true self nurtures and supports my life

Here is the link to our daily meditation:

Journal Questions

  1. Stress often presents itself in the physical body. Close your eyes and take a moment to feel your body, mentally scanning it for any areas you currently feel tension or discomfort. Write down these areas you feel the effects of stress and strain in your body.

  2. Write down 3 ways you can free your body of stress and strain. This is especially important if you regularly feel muscle tightness or tension, headaches, upset stomach or susceptibility to colds and flu. Focus on ways to reduce daily stress, resistance and obstacles.

  3. Reflect on how you can be more relaxed and at ease during your day. List a few practical steps you can take starting today. Eg. You could spend a few moments in silence by yourself, walk outdoors, escape from stressful situations as soon as you can, and avoid contact with people who create stress around them.

NOTE: You are either in or out of flow. When you struggle and stress, you are out of flow. The most practical way to find flow is awareness.


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